People who suffer from diabetes, or diabetes, don't always have it easy. They may experience what is called a hypo, caused by low blood sugar levels. As a result, patients may become dizzy, sweat profusely, become extremely tired and tremble. These types of symptoms can be managed well. For several years now, more and more people have been using CBD, often in the form of oil, to combat the unpleasant effects of diabetes.
But what exactly is diabetes?
Diabetes and how CBD can help In the metabolic disease diabetes, the body struggles to balance blood sugar levels. This is due to a physical deficiency of the hormone insulin. By injecting insulin at regular intervals, blood sugar levels can be kept at the right level and the patient experiences fewer symptoms. But CBD can also do a lot for people with diabetes. Several studies offer evidence that CBD oil is beneficial in diabetic patients suffering from nephropathy (a kidney condition that affects 40 percent of diabetics).
What exactly does diabetes mean?
Diabetes is an umbrella term for several conditions in which the metabolism does not function properly. The main problem is an imbalance in blood sugar levels. This forces diabetics to adhere to a strict diet. There are two types of diabetes.
Type one diabetes involves an autoimmune disease and is relatively rare. This diabetes variant is usually detected quickly. Typical symptoms in type one include loss of body weight for no immediately apparent reason, as well as frequent vomiting (or nausea), feeling hungry or just no appetite, thirst and blurred or cloudy vision.
Type 2 diabetes is an age-related disease, which is more difficult to recognize than type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 2 is the most common: 90 percent of diabetics have this variant. It involves insufficient production of sugars in the body. Common symptoms include frequent thirst, frequent urination, poorly healing wounds, fatigue, infections and eye pain.
What is CBD and what active ingredients does CBD have?
A major advantage of CBD is that it does not contain THC as an ingredient. THC is the substance found in hemp and marijuana that makes users stoned. CBD does contain the active ingredient cannabinoid, which stimulates receptors in the brain. Regardless, CBD does not make you stoned, while it does provide users with the health benefits of CBD. Furthermore, there is evidence that CBD has beneficial effects in fighting all kinds of inflammation, including in the pancreas.
Thus, diabetics can definitely benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD patches. The benefits of CBD for diabetics In addition to the aforementioned benefits of cannabinoids, this little substance has another interesting perk. A study on the effect of cannabinoids on blood sugar showed that CBD helps keep blood sugar levels significantly lower. For diabetics, this could mean that they not only experience fewer symptoms, but also need to inject less insulin.