Anxiety disorder & CBD patches

CBD not only has amazing effects on the body, but also on the mind. An anxiety disorder causes both mental and physical symptoms and thus can significantly control life. How does CBD oil affect anxiety? Can it reduce anxiety, or even help get rid of certain fears? A number of scientific studies show promising results.

What is an anxiety disorder?

Anxiety is a natural response of humans, as well as animals, to uncertainty. A feeling of anxiety is often described as a sense of uneasiness, nervousness or worry. This powerful emotion can take over the senses, causing a person to focus on negative and hypothetical thoughts about the future, rather than living in the here and now. Anxiety disorders come in many shapes and sizes. Anxiety disorders occur in millions of people, who take medication to control their feelings of anxiety. Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety from time to time, but when these feelings take over, it becomes a problem and we call it a disorder.

CBD & anxiety disorder
Everyone has an endocannabinoid system. This system allows a person to inhibit anxiety. When the endocannabinoid system is working properly, people have an appropriate level of anxiety in certain situations that helps them. When the system is out of balance, anxiety can arise and persist, sometimes even after following therapies. This endocannabinoid system can be balanced by using external cannabinoids that closely resemble the body's own cannabinoids, such as CBD. The receptors of the endocannabinoid system contain variants of CB1 and CB2 receptors that respond differently to different cannabinoids. CB1 receptors are found in the central nervous system and are associated with inhibiting stress and anxiety, among other things.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. While you as a human produce cannabinoids to feed the endocannabinoid system, it is also possible to balance this with non-body CBD. This substance is extracted from specially grown fiber hemp plants. CBD is 100% a natural product and contains no THC, making it impossible to get stoned or high from this product.

A very big advantage of CBD is that it is not addictive. This makes it a better solution for various health problems than drugs or painkillers, as these can cause dependency. 

Reducing anxiety with CBD

CBD is suitable for reducing anxious feelings for several reasons. For example, the drug has a relaxing effect that makes people feel less anxious. Moreover, the scientific consensus is that its anxiety-reducing properties are partly caused by CBD's effect on memory.

Currently, research is being conducted on how CBD helps prevent anxious memories after a traumatic event. This may in fact be a cause of chronic anxiety. CBD patches are great for mental health problems, but CBD also supports the immune system and can be used preventively to prevent other health problems.