Find out how nature can help you fight diseases such as hot flashes and night sweats and reduce your suffering.
Menopause is the end of the fertile period in a woman's life. It usually begins between the ages of 45 and 55. Almost every woman experiences menopause, which begins with pre-menopause. Menopause causes changes in hormones and causes various physical and mental symptoms.
During menopause, women's endocannabinoid system (E.C.S.) is severely disrupted. hemp restores this biological system and helps reduce menopausal symptoms, whether hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings or disturbed sleep. Hemp is the only cannabinoid with which several controlled experimental studies and human clinical trials have been conducted.
Cause of hot flashes and night sweats
One of the most annoying symptoms of premenopause are hot flashes and night sweats. The cause of these hot flashes lies in the hypothalamus. This is located in the brain and regulates body temperature. This Hypothalamus is much more sensitive during this transition phase and also reacts much faster, causing you to sweat faster. Hemp/CBD affects this temperature regulation via the endocannabinoid system (E.C.S.) and helps normalize it. Result: fewer hot flashes and night sweats. some even disappear completely, with no side effects or risk of addiction!
Endocannabidoid system (ECS)
Scientists discovered (not so long ago) that the human body has an extensive endocannabinoid system (ECS). This biological system consists of several receptors in the body, the brain and on the ovaries. Extensive research has been done on the role of the ECS in female fertility. This shows that the ECS has a major influence on menopause. Estrogen is one of the hormones that enables proper functioning of the ECS. Reduced interactions between the ECS and estrogen suggest that symptoms of menopause are due to reduced endocannabinoid activity.
The alternative: hemp patches
Cannabinoids are an endogenous substance produced in small amounts by the body. The human body has a very extensive endocannabinoid system (ECS). Cannabinoids activate cannabinoid receptors (CB receptors) in the body. Meanwhile, there is increasing scientific evidence that cannabinoids are a very effective medicine that can be used for a variety of applications.
In particular, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of cannabinoids are central to this. In addition: Hemp patches are 100% natural, do not cause addiction and have no side effects.
Anecdotal evidence
By selling our hemp patches to our customers, we were told by customers that since they started using the patches, their menopause had significantly decreased! Of course, it doesn't work for everyone, but for many people the hemp patches work just fine!